A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hot and cold

If you are feeling toasty here in the South, which we are, our friends in the Midwest are suffering on the other extreme. Click here for a story and also check out the slide show. Wow.
Until a few minutes ago, our heat was on in our building and we were/are dreaming of ice cream. I am wearing open-toed sandals. A co-worker has on shorts.
By the weekend it will be cold here again (relatively speaking).
Depending on where you're reading this, bundle up. Or put on your bathing suit.


MaggieandBandit said...

We're experts on shoes -- since that's what we see most about humans, so we know how odd it is to see summer shoes this time of year. Mom's even been going barefoot this week.

Allison Kennedy said...

But as Michael would say, "Get out the woolens." ('cause the cold snap is coming back.)