A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Go, pizza! Go ice cream!

Imagine my glee, Internet, when I spotted this here article in Health magazine.
It says you don't have to avoid pizza or red meat or what I'd call Real Deal ice cream (the kind that actually has dairy products in it). Take the red meat, but take it leaner. "A study of 100 women from Australian researchers found that overweight women who ate reduced-calorie diets rich in protein from red meat and dairy lost more weight than those whose reduced-calorie plans had little meat and more carbs," says the article.
And, go ahead and have that glass of milk everyday.
And, furthermore!, eating fewer cookies that are "bad" for you is better than consuming a gazillion that aren't.
Another link lists the Top 5 foods for women: cranberries, walnuts, tomatoes, fish and beans.

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