A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Holiday blues: Take II

Around this time of year, we in the Liberal Media (as we are often nicknamed, among other monikers) start running stories about holiday blues--what it is, how you can differentiate between holiday blues and the REAL blues in which you might, for instance, find yourself cussing out the sales clerk for short-changing you by a penny.
A couple of people at the office, including Dear Husband, say they don't get the infamous holiday blues until they start seeing the influx of stories about holiday blues.
Even so, you might want to check out this rather concise yet informative piece
from the University of Maryland about this topic.
Heightened stress and grief is normal this time of year; but if you find yourself about to boil a rabbit on the stove like Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction," seek help immediately.

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