A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Fading to white

Did y'all see this?
It seems a TV anchor in Detroit suffers from a disease called vitiligo, in which one's pigmention begins lightening slowly but noticeably. Think Michael Jackson.
The anchor, Lee Thomas, is 40 and says he's known about it since he was 25, while getting a hair cut. Only a few other people knew of his condition. He's being forthcoming about it now, and has written a book titled "Turning White: A Memoir of Change."
What would you think, Internet, if your skin changed color? Even if it took years? Talk about a drastic alteration, whether black to white or white to black. People can say they're colorblind all day long but let's be honest: Race is part of our identity.


Unknown said...

For many of us my guess is that skin color change would require some adapting but it wouldn't be a disaster for people who have come to terms with their own feeling on race. Now for people who think that being black or being white would ruin their lives, they have a stronger struggle.

Allison Kennedy said...

Yes, you're right, but I think i was seeing it as if some other major change happened to your body, like you lost an arm or a leg. There would be a grief process, I would think.