A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve potpourri

We at the Spin Cycle wish to share several things today (in addition to our photo of our refrigerator; see next entry.) First up is this essay that appeared in the Times today. It's about how the Brits' equivalent of fruitcake is something called Christmas pudding, and how we escaped it. We probably ditched it during the Revolution--with all due respect to my "kind," the Church of England/Episcopal Church.
Second: In Spin class today, I learned something really cool from my friend Rachel. She's headed to Atlanta today to be with her family, and they all started a tradition about seven years ago, in which they go to a Waffle House at midnight and eat and leave the waitresses a HUGE tip. She didn't say how much (yes, I asked). Rachel also said the crowds are hilarious that time of night, as you can imagine--everything from drunks to Elvis to people dressed like Jesus. God, I love the Waffle House.
Third, click here and scroll down to play, to hear some beautiful choral music from the Mother Country.

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