A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Better than sliced bread

Maybe I exaggerate.
THIS is the new appliance. Michael stayed home today to supervise the installation, and the guy didn't have to cut around our old space--which is good news. The previous oven was slightly smaller in width.
Our neighbor on one side of us, who happens to be my first-grade teacher, said the woman who lived here before Michael used to bake every day. EVERY day. Her speciality was cherry pie. Our friend said the recipe called for 303 or 304 cherries. (As if someone biting into the pie would say, "Send it back! This is only 303?!")
Internet, let's take a survey. What should we bake first?


Kearsmom said...

Congrats on the new oven! I'm jealous. I want new kitchen appliances! I got a new microwave last fall, and a new washing machine a few weeks ago...I'm working my way up.


And I vote for Pecan Pie. Or blackberry cobbler. Or maybe cinnamon rolls.....

Allison Kennedy said...

The winner turned out to be salmon, as I was out of town since Friday. Called Michael on the way home Sunday and he baked it. Yum!

MaggieandBandit said...

Pound cake!