If you habitually eat breakfast, practice good dental hygiene and pace the floor sometimes when you talk on the telephone, you have already checked off 3 items of 13 in this WebMd healthy habits explainer.
Believe it or not, pacing while talking on the phone burns calories. Maybe not many, but it gets the blood flowing. Eating breakfast is good fuel for the brain. (Though I always grimaced when my father woke me up for school, he started a good habit of making us breakfast every morning.) And, good dental hygiene isn't only healthy for the teeth (brushing at least twice a day, flossing and having regular checkups), but good for the entire body. (I also have to make a plug for dentists here because at least five people on my dad's side of the family poke around people's mouths for a living. My dad, one of three brothers who is not a dentist, and whose father was a dentist, often refers to himself as the "black tooth of the family.")
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