A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Peanut butter: Alone or with a 'vehicle?'

Yeah, there's the war and all. And high gas prizes. And the free-fall housing market. And soaring unemployment.
But here's an itch that really deserves scratching: Is it OK to eat peanut butter BY ITSELF, or do you need a vehicle like toast or crackers?
I bring this up because my husband, and a certain other (male) editor at the office, eat it straight out of the jar. In fact, I bought the other editor a jar of Jif the other day and he has it on his desk and some has disappeared. So I'm wondering if it's a guy thing to ignore the vehicle and go straight to the "buttah?"
What do you think? Take a break from your unpaid bills and phone messages from the mortgage company to ponder this question.
Here's what I think: I think when cavemen sat around back in the days of yore, they dipped their paws into the jar of peanut butter, ate some and then growled for the cave women to go buy some more. Haven't we advanced a bit from that? Graham crackers weren't invented for nothin'.


Anonymous said...

'll eat it alone occasional but not very often. My kids love it by the spoonful. (1 boy and 3 girls)


Allison Kennedy said...

Interesting. I can see that with kids, too. And pets :). we used to feed it to our dog when I was growing up, which probably was not good. But she ate it.

Lily Writes said...

I'm really a peanut butter and banana person. Rarely do I eat it alone.

Allison Kennedy said...

Lily, in fact, was spotted today doing just that: PB and bananas. Yum.

Kearsmom said...

I'll eat it straight out of the jar. So will my 12 year old. My 11 year old does the same with soy butter or sunbutter (sunflower seeds)-she's allergic to peanuts. So more often lately, we are all into sunbutter (I don't like the soy).