A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Foot in mouth disease

Don't know about you but I started my day insulting someone I'd just met.
It was at an early meeting (early for me: 7 a.m.), and I'd barely had coffee. Another man introduced me to this guy--both live in Savannah--and I said, "Oh, aren't you one of those guys who's retiring?" (A meeting yesterday contained announcements of some retiring clergy and apparently I got this guy's face confused with another one. Or maybe both were wearing bow ties.) Oops. The younger guy says he's about eight years from retirement, thanks very much.
Even after apologizing profusely, I still felt guilty, so I wrote a check after the breakfast for the organization he represented.
I've always fancied myself a morning person, given that I go to bed before most people I know. And yet my brain doesn't wake up for awhile in the mornings.
What about you, Internet? Are you morning people or night people? I think we have had this discussion before. But I have been awake for so long (or so it seems), I can't remember.
Stay cool.


MaggieandBandit said...

Way to go, Aunt Allison.
Staffer Mom always says that people assume all gray-haired people are old, and now you're telling us that they all look alike, too. She's not going to like that.

Your Favorite Teacher said...

LOL... we all make these kinds of mistakes sometimes, Allison. A little foot in the mouth is needed sometimes.