A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sweet Bones

Today is sad for our friends Lynn and John, who were the owners and caregivers for Bones.
Here is what Lynn said:

Bones went to Doggie Heaven yesterday.
I'm sure heaven is a lot like Sky Water, where these pictures were taken when Bones was in his prime and able to run and chase rabbits and squirrels and dig for moles and go swimming. He loved the North Carolina woods, and he loved his adopted family. We'll miss him terribly but are relieved his suffering is over.
Thanks for the love you sent his way over the years.

They really loved that dog. I mean, LOVED that dog.
I think animals know that, don't you?


MaggieandBandit said...

We're very sorry to hear about Bones. He must have been Fierce in all the right ways.
And yep. We do know when humans love us. It's hard for us to show it though.

Allison Kennedy said...

Yes. If you're a cat, you could lick your owners. (But I guess you can do that too.) Speaking of cats, Bisquick made a break for it this morning. He got under Michael's truck. Then he had to go back into captivity.

Unknown said...

Animals do know we love them, and we know when they love us. Even dachshunds as fierce as Maggie and Bandit love their staffers. It's just not cool to let other people know it. We were like that as adolescents of course. I used to try to do things one-on-one with each of my sons on occasion. Once I took Alan to a movie, thinking of course how good I was to do it, and he refused to sit with me. He was nice about it, but emphatic. "You sit here, Mom," he said pointing to a row. "I'll see you after the movie."
I am so sorry about Bones. I know your friends are grieving and please let us know they have lots of sympathy and empathy.