A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Saturday, January 12, 2008

'No one ever wins those contests'

"That's what we used to think!"
Internet, imagine our surprise this morning when, checking into the gym, the employees congratulated us on our big win: An Insignia 32" flat screen HD-TV. They drew our name last night, and tried to call three times but they didn't leave a message. We were quite stunned this morning at the news. The Spin Cycle's husband is also quite excited.
"Just in time for the playoffs," one employee told Michael when he came to fetch.
Since November, in anticipation of this promotional drawing, we have faithfully had our cards punched each time we worked out. Each card had five numbers to punch. That amounted to about five a week (or one card) for about two months. So, that's about eight cards. (Spin instructor Frank offered two punches for his classes so maybe it was more like 10 cards.)
Ironic, though, that the big prize from a gym is a TV, which requires one to sit on one's posterior.
So far, so good.


MaggieandBandit said...

Wow! We're coming to your house to watch basketball and chase Bisquick. This is pretty amazing...congratulations!

Anonymous said...

That rocks! I think I'll just plan to come over for March Madness and hang out all month :)


Allison Kennedy said...

To maggie and banddit, Uncle Mike said he set it up so all it shows is football and baseball. :)
Leslie, when he's gone, you can come over. :)