Now for something lighter. (But not less filling.)
Jill Conner Browne, the Sweet Potato Queen and author of "The Sweet Potato Queen's Guide to Raising Kids for Fun and Profit," is coming to West Point, Ga., next weekend.
And she's not simply driving here. She is being transported in what she calls her Big-Ass Bus. See photo.
A New York Times best-selling author, Browne has been featured in such biggies as USA Today, Newsweek, People, The Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post, among other media.
She'll be at the Hawkes Library, 100 W. 8th St., signing books 2-4 p.m. Jan. 20.
Her most recent book as well as other titles will be sold.
Some of her rules to live by:
--On Discipline: Every parent needs to cultivate his or her own version of The Look, and this is something you absolutely must have‹before you have children.
--On Babysitting: Can we all agree that it is not "babysitting" if the person doing the sitting is also the one who did the "fathering?"
--On Birthday Parties: Never allow into your house for any reason short of some sort of mass emergency-evacuation situation that would necessitate the humanitarian harboring of large numbers of children in one's personal space more than one additional child over and above the number that normally lives there every day.
Browne and her husband, who does not go by the name "Sweet Potato King," live in the great state of Mississippi.
For more information, call 706-645-1549.
For information on Browne,
click this here.