A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Turbulence, the Boy Scout and tattoos

Did y'all see this?
A woman on a British Airways plane from New Delhi to London last weekend died in flight, and the flight crew put her in first class. (That's one way to move up from coach.) Here's my favorite line, from one of the passengers: “She kept slipping under the seatbelt and moving about with the motion of the plane. When I asked what was going on I was shocked to hear she was dead.”
In other news--with a happier ending--searchers today found a Boy Scout who was missing for nearly four days in the mountains of western North Carolina. His favorite book, "Hatchet," is about a boy who survives in the wilderness after a plane crash. Read the full story here.
Now for something completely unrelated to airplanes: Last night, I passed a local tattoo establishment (going 40 mph, for the record; in other words, I wasn't buying), and the sign out front read: "Get your tattoo for spring break." Maybe I'm too old, but this is not something my friends and I did--or even thought about--for spring break. High school OR college. Talking about the sign to some of my co-workers, they thought I was completely uncool for a) resisting the urge and b) thinking it's a little nutty to begin with.
P.S. The photo is of Boy Scouts taking medicine to patients during the influenza epidemic.

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