A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Monday, March 12, 2007

Lost in trans-lation

There's no way I can compete today with this shocking--shocking!--posting by my colleague Sonya Sorich, who obviously danced in a cage at a bar Saturday night with some other friends. It was for another friend's bachelorette party. Had Michael and I not had another commitment, I might have been along with this crew (or not), one of whom is my editor, and her nickname is Pork Chop.
I'll just leave it all at that.
Today's topic is Trans Fat. Much in the news. In New York City, bakers have been instructed to cut it from their foods. I don't know about you, but all these definitions of trans-this and trans-that make my eyes glaze over. I did figure out this much, though: The small amount of "natural" fat in butter is OK (whew!, just ate some) but it's the artificial stuff that will get you in trouble, likely causing you to drop over in your plate of a heart attack. Not to put too fine a point on it. This friend, a baker in Columbus, is a True Believer in the real butter thing, and other natural ingredients like milk. Her theory is that if we deprive ourselves of such natural foods and eat, say, celery all day, then our bodies will crave junk like bon-bons and we'll eat a hundred in one sitting. My friend is on to something because she does sample what she bakes, and she's not overweight.
Thoughts on this? (Send comments on the cage dance to Sonya, please.)

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