A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Saturday, November 29, 2008

This and that

One, I have discovered Facebook. Wow. (I realize that in Internet years, it's about 500 years old. So I'm a little slow.) It's cool to keep up with people, especially those who don't live in close proximity.
Two, my aunt and uncle gave me a pretty green jumpsuit for the birthday. Complete with hood. So on my jaunt this evening to a convenience store, there was a sign posted at the door: "Please remove hoodies and sunglasses before entering." (In a recent rash of crimes here, many a robber has worn hoodies and glasses.)
Three, the the University of Alabama football team won a shutout today against Auburn. Normally I'm an Auburn fan, because both my mom and aunt are graduates; but our good friend Lucius, who died in August, was a HUGE Alabama fan. It was also his alma mater. (I wonder if he had anything to do with their undefeated season?)
Four, I was not a fan of naps as a child. But now, especially when one is not reporting to work for several days in a row, they are GOLDEN.

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