A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Weird wedding stories

So, yesterday at lunch, a group of friends and I were discussing weird things that happen at weddings. Weddings and funerals either bring out the best in people, or the worst (or both), given all the emotions floating about. This one friend told the following story: She and another friend were the wedding planners for the bride. They had arranged the caterer, flowers, music, etc. On the big day, the bride's father-in-law was thanking my friend for all her work. He put his arm around her shoulder and sort of went to kiss her on her cheek--only, he "accidentally" stuck his tongue in her ear. Eeew.
Then someone else at the lunch table said she was a bridesmaid at a recent wedding in Florida which in fact was called off the morning of, but happened anyway. The bride and groom had lived together for a year or so but never did have that "special" relationship you might expect of two people about to wed. In fact, this bridesmaid and others had said as much to their friend. The day of the wedding, the groom called it off (sort of?) on the phone with his fiance, with his mother in the room. That's strange enough. Then later in the day, somehow, the wedding still took place.
What are some of your own weird wedding stories?

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