A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Monday, February 18, 2008

"In Pursuit of Happiness"

This was a really interesting segment on "60 Minutes" last night. Morley Safer reported that people in Denmark rank as the happiest in the world. Danes interviewed said their secret lies in the following: Realistic expectations; a reasonable work week (about 37 hours average); more time spent with family and friends; and, oddly, they come across as a complaining bunch but if you scratch the surface, you see they are happy.
Additionally, Danes are generally similar in terms of wealth. There is not great disparity as in other countries including ours.
At times in this interview, people use the word "content," likened to happiness. I tend to think they're different. Contentment seems deeper and less affected by circumstances. Happiness is when, say, you get a new pet. But you get the point.
Enjoy. (Sorry for the one commercial you gotta sit through first.)


MaggieandBandit said...

We are firm believers that happiness is where you find it. For instance, today Bandit found a dead squirrel in the yard. Now that's happiness!

Staffer Mom says happiness is not a place you find, it's the trip itself. We think that's another reason we like to ride in limo with the windows down.

Allison Kennedy said...

Good points!