A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Friday, August 28, 2009

Protestant work ethic

This was the phrase I was thinking about earlier this evening while pedaling furiously down (then up) the Riverwalk. Often it is such a joy to be out there--to watch the waves on the water, to ride alongside friends and chat, to be amused by a guy in a kilt on the Oxbow Golf Course (true!). But today? Friday afternoon at 5:30? It was all about mind over matter. Grinding it out. Checking off the list. Hail to Martin Luther and John Calvin! (This is all somewhat out of context, mind you. I doubt they had exercise in mind as a means of accounting for one's salvation.)
It's sometimes what you think about when you're racing for home on a Friday afternoon.
Here's more on the "PWE."

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