A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The spin cycle: The political edition

Politics very much in the air this week. The sun came up again Wednesday following yet another election. (And we await some runoffs.)
Maybe it's because I'd be too thin-skinned for it, but politics bores me. This party is up this time; it'll be the next one next time. Or the next time. And so on. This person will be caught in scandal, and therefore give the edge to his or her opponent. Then it will be the opponent's turn.
I completely understand the need for politicians but what I'm saying is I abhor the process. When you get laws and policies crafted by people--and groups of people--who beat the crap out of others to get there, well, I question the sanity of it all. That seemingly endless craving of power. That no-holds barred drive.
(Maybe this is why I didn't succeed at competitive sports.)
On another note: I wish there were some sort of third party. This either/or business is too limiting.
On a lighter note: Why do Sarah Palin and Bill Clinton (or fill in the blank) only call me every other year? Don't they want to talk to me on the off-cycle, see how I'm doing?

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