A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Friday, February 19, 2010

The last to weigh in: My thoughts on Tiger

Perhaps I am the last person in the world to weigh in (could very well be), but here goes: One, it takes a lot of guts to do what Tiger Woods did today. Having friends and acquaintances in the recovery movement, it is One Day at a Time and other truisms that help them live more authentically.
There is hardly a group of people I admire more.
For his part, Tiger seemed contrite and real and human, for perhaps the first time I have seen him. What he said was admirable.
Which leads me to Two: I'm quite cynical about our celebrity culture. Those of us in the media mirror the larger culture in that we need our (celebrity) subjects to be clean and pure and uncomplicated. Many among us need "stars" because we want someone to be what we are not. We need someone to hit the ball longer and more accurately. Or walk on high heeled shoes down a boardwalk. Or shoot a basket from 20 feet away. Thus, there is a lot of money to be made in Starville. By the stars themselves and in this case, the coaches and the PR people and all the people who run Tiger the Brand.
So in order to sustain the Brand, you have to put him out there and let him apologize in this faux press conference so the Brand can keep going. That's my cynical side.
The proof will be, as they say, in the pudding. Will his road to recovery continue? I hope yes, for his sake and for the sake of his family.

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