A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pedaling Revolution

That's the name of a new read by Jeff Mapes, a political writer for The Oregonian.
It got a good review in the Times.
As the title suggests, it's about the push for more commuting by bicycle. The book reviewer concedes that enthusiasts--and those who already commute by bicycle--will be the main ones reading this book. Yet, reviewer David Byrne suggests along with Mapes that "when more women begin riding, that will prompt a big change in attitude, which will prompt further changes in the direction of safety and elegance."
(Funny: One sentence later, Byrne adds the word "attractive" to women bicycling commuters. Will unattractive women who commute on two wheels turn the trend downward?)
I'm all for commuting by bike and I wish I could do it. The distance to my job doesn't bother me so much but a) my workplace isn't equipped with showers and b) I have to use a car during the day for interviews. Some are too far away, and too dangerous, to navigate by bike.
Maybe one day all this will change.

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