A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A marriage I don't understand

Granted, attraction to another person — and maybe later, a marriage — is a mysterious mix of likes and dislikes, backgrounds, dreams and pheromones.
But now that we are drawing near to the November election, I'm once again reminded of this (political) odd couple, James Carville and Mary Matalin. We saw both yesterday on separate news shows. Both are obviously passionate about their respective candidates. Years ago, I read their book, All's Fair: Love, War and Running for President, which is about their courtship amid the crazines of the Bush (One)-Clinton race.
What do you imagine they talk about at night? Probably not politics, given that both of them are still living.


Dusty Nix said...

I've never gotten this one. The only rational explanation is that they're both insane.

Allison Kennedy said...

Yes, that's an option. Then again, maybe they get all fired up about politics at work during the daytime and when they get home, they stare at the walls. Or talk about plants.