A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Monday, May 25, 2009

There 4 U

Great piece in the Times about the toll of texting (or text-messaging). Adults clucking about the sad state of affairs that their teens text all the time (and in the middle of the night!); and yet many of the parents are texting as well.
When I was a teen (oh-so-many years ago), our technology escape was music through a Walkman (the precursor to the iPod). There has to be that separation between the generations, of course, as teens begin disengaging from the nest. Texting takes it to another level.
What say you?

1 comment:

Kearsmom said...

My kids and I text each other! I actually am the "queen" of texting at our house, although they give me a run for my money. There texts seem to consist of a long list of "haha's" and "lol's" and "k's" (as in "ok") where as mine consist of questions to my boss or conversations with my best friend. My hubby laughs at me and doesn't understand why I don't just call, but I can text and do other things at the same time, so for me it's a time saver.