From the Columbus Cycling Club:
7 p.m. Wednesday at the Bandstand in Lakebottom Park.
From the press release: Our ride will begin promptly at 7 p.m and will take place in silence. The route will take us on the same course as last year, from Lakebottom left on 17th toward Broadway, making a circle through downtown and returning to Lakebottom and continuing down Cherokee to Edgewood to Auburn Ave and up Cross Country Hill to Wells and right on 17th until Cherokee, then left and back to the bandshell at Lakebottom.
Our ride leader is Jeff Davis, who is a courageous bicycle injury survivor, great road cyclist, and inspiration to us all. We are all very grateful and proud to have him leading us this year. We will have police escort and will all hopefully be able to ride in silence for 8 or so miles through the heart of our city at a greatly reduced speed (maybe 8-10 mph avg). Please remember that we would all like to remain together on this ride and solidified in our purpose, which is to respect and remember those who have been killed or injured on bicycles. This is a worldwide event. Check out the website and read the stories
here. Remember, folks, this is not designed as a fast ride or a competition race. Safety rules. Please remember that there will be cars on the course and that we are to follow all rules of the road, including stopping at traffic lights unless escorted by police. We will follow all traffic laws. Use your common sense when around cars. We will try our best to have police at road crossings, but inevitably that might not happen. Just use common sense when trying to stay with our (hopefully) large group. Please come, ride whatever kind of bike you want, and join in on this meaningful ride to support cycling and better community.
A post ride potluck meal is planned directly after the ride. Drinks and dessert will be provided. This will be a great time for us to fellowship with each other.