A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Monday, October 20, 2008

Opting out

Fascinating. This guy in Texas, married with three kids, has opted out of his company's healthcare plan. Why? It would cost him $1,000 per month.
He figures, in the long run, he'll come out even or be ahead if he pays for everything out of pocket. Could be. (And you know this guy prays every day nothing serious happens! — car accidents and the like.) Back in the day, as recently as a few years ago, I expressed shock at friends who didn't have insurance. Because you always think of the "What ifs"? But I completely get this guy's position. A thousand dollars a month? I understand that it's called "insurance." It's not like you're getting something real tangible every month; you're paying for the (possible) big bill down the road.
Yet. I find it rather immoral that that amount of money doesn't get someone house calls and spa treatments.
What do you think?


Jenn said...

I agree. During my last hospitalization, I received neither spa treatment nor house call. Instead, I was subjected to a surly doctor who made gay-bashing jokes about people who ride scooters. Hardly feel like I got my money's worth from Aetna!

Allison Kennedy said...

Your situation was/is crazy. Crazy!
(not least of which is the accident wasn't your fault and you have to pay for it.)