A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Thursday, September 30, 2010


So 20 years have flown by and I'm going to my 20th college reunion this weekend.
Twenty? Really?
Am looking forward to seeing people I haven't seen since the 10th. Sadly, some of our crowd can't make it but maybe we'll catch them at the 30th. (A shoutout especially to Kelly and Jeff.)
Things we didn't have 20 years ago: Blogging, the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, iPods, iPads, iPhones, etc. etc. No personal computers.
However, I distinctly remember that bag phones for cars were coming on the scene (this would have been in '89 or '90); and a friend of mine put one of those fake antennas on her car, to make people THINK she had a car phone.
Fads change, but the instinct to copy fads--or look cool in school--does not.
I remember that my dad wrote me letters several times a week and included copies of the Far Side cartoon (which I still miss) in the envelope.
This is where I went to college. I was very fortunate to have gone there.

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