A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

EAS Peak: Performance Nutrition

Got this package in the mail today. It was three bottles of EAS Peak, each with 10 grams of protein. The press release boasts of 3 P's: Push, Performance and Protect. There's no caffeine. It does contain the following scientific words: Beta-alanine: an amino acid used to produce carnosine in the muscles. (Which is said to delay fatigue); isomaltulose: a slowly digesting carb; and HMB: an ingredient that can help slow muscle protein breakdown while promoting the production of new muscle tissue.
Wanna know what HMB stands for? beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate. Whoa.
Did it help get me through Spin? Yes, and it tasted pretty good too.
Thanks, EAS.

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