A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Friday, March 19, 2010

Speak your mind

A recent conversation with two friends is today's food for thought. Both of them aim to confront "bad behavior" this year. Both of them are women, and neither one is a wilting flower. But they, like I, have trouble calling out obvious abuses and stupidity.
To the second point: One of the women went to a grocery store recently. She had wine in her cart. She's in her 70s. She got carded. My friend knows that most cashiers have to card everyone who comes through but still: It's common sense not to card her. She was not flattered. So she left her entire cart of unpurchased items at the store.
Though my own tendency is to be real Type-B about this kind of thing, I really respect her choice. I wish I were more bold--whether the action is directed at me or someone I know or a stranger. I tend not to react, at least outwardly.
Like many things, this is a blessing/curse trait. I like that I don't anger easily.
Yet my "shadow side" is I like people to like me too much and thus I don't confront. If I were my 70-something friend, I probably wouldn't have left the cart. "What would they think of me?"
All this to say, I admire my friends.

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