A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Amicalola Falls

If you live within driving distance of this place, it's worth the trek.
Just got back yesterday from there. It's one of my favorite spots. Great trails (and the 8-mile AT approach trail starts at Amicalola), and great solitude. Part of the reason I like it: It's the anti-here and here and here.
In the time since I'd been to Amicalola, a switch-back staircase had been added, running the length of the falls. I recommend walking down instead of up--otherwise, you feel like you're on a Stairmaster. So when I got to the bottom, I made a loop and went back up the East trail. Not an easy route, either, but at least it's somewhat shaded and on an actual path.
Everytime I hike in the mountains, I'm reminded--somewhat painfully--that five miles in the hills is different than five miles in the flats.

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