A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Friday, May 4, 2007

Weight loss tricks

You wouldn't think snacking during the day would be good for you, but it is. (And of course it depends on which type of snack you consume. Bon bons are probably out.) That's just one of the tips reported here in cutting calories. The suggestion is to eat something about every three hours, which keeps us from putting on the feedbag, especially at night. (The worst time to put on the feedbag.) As far as exercise goes, the story suggests 90 minutes of walking a day, in order to maintain a healthy weight.
Meanwhile, this computer will be sleeping once again, beginning tomorrow, as Michael and I are going on vacation. Evil Cat is staying home. Hope that you, Internet, have a great week. Or a FABULOUS week, as Sonya says.

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