A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New York Times: Should nightmares have happy endings?

Therapy may help people who suffer from chronic nightmares learn how to turn bad dreams into good ones. But now some experts wonder if changing your nightmares from scary to safe is always a good idea, reports Sarah Kershaw in Science Times.
Read the rest here.
I suffer from nightmares quite frequently. Or, part of the dream is a nightmare, and I'm working on a solution during another part of it. I had a DOOZY of a nightmare last week involving work. No real happy ending in the dream but I did confront the person in the dream, so that was good.
I tend to agree that nightmares should be taken as they are. We tend to be so focused on happy endings (and that dreaded word "closure") that we often miss the mystery and depth of what frightening things can teach.

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