A health and fitness blog: With an occasional food item

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Doggie Prozac?

Did you see this piece in the New York Times Magazine about the trend of pet drug therapy?
The trend obviously plays to those who will do anything — ANYTHING — to keep their pets happy. Or at least better-mannered.
Meanwhile I'm trying to pay for $4/gallon gasoline. Bisquick's Crazy will just have to wait.

P.S. Murphy's Law: After you buy a new pair of (pricey) Spin shoes, your old ones show up. Mine did. Saw them sitting on a shelf in the gym locker room yesterday. Arrgh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - I don't find $22 for 2 months of prozac for my darling little 'Ming' to be too pricy..... I think she deserves to live in constant anxiety....... I on the other hand - can use spiritual tools to calm myself - she - is a dog - and cannot.......prozac in her life has been a 'Godsend'........